研究報告 2020

Ikeda, C., Manabe, Y., Tomonaga, N., Wada, T., Maoka, T., Sugawara, T. Evaluation of intestinal absorption of dietary halocynthiaxanthin,
a carotenoid from the sea squirt Halocynthia roretzi. Marine Drugs, 18, 588, 2020.
Tomonaga, N., Manabe, Y., Aida, K., Sugawara, T. Dietary ceramide 2-aminoethylphosphonate, a marine sphingophosphonolipid, improves
skin barrier function in hairless mice. Scientific Reports, 10, 13891, 2020.
 Li, Z., Zheng, J., Luo, X., Manabe, Y., Hirata, T., Sugawara, T. Absorption and tissue distribution of siphonaxanthin from green algae. Marine Drugs, 18, 291, 2020.
Zheng, J., Manabe, Y., Sugawara, T. Siphonaxanthin, a carotenoid from green algae Codium cylindricum, protectsob/ob mice fed
on a high-fat diet against lipotoxicity by ameliorating somatic stresses and restoring anti-oxidative capacity. Nutrition Research, 77, 29-42, 2020.
Manabe, Y., Takii, Y., Sugawara, T. Siphonaxanthin, a carotenoid from green algae, suppresses advanced glycation
end product-induced inflammatory responses. Journal of Natural Medicines, 74, 127-134, 2020
Sofyana, N.T., Zheng, J., Manabe, Y., Yamamoto, T., Kishino, S., Ogawa, J., Sugawara, T. Gut microbial fatty acid metabolites
(KetoA and KetoC) affect the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and reverse cholesterol transport metabolism in mouse model.
Lipids, 55, 151-162. 2020.
Morifuji, M., Ichikawa, S., Kitade, M., Fukasawa, T., Asami, Y., Manabe, Y., Sugawara, T. Exopolysaccharides from milk fermented
by lactic acid bacteria enhance dietary carotenoid bioavailability in humans in a randomized crossover trial and in rats.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111, 903-914, 2020.

菅原達也, 食事性スフィンゴ脂質の機能, 生化学, 92, 649-657, 2020
 菅原達也, スフィンゴリン脂質の食品機能性, リン脂質の性状と機能性(細川雅史, 菅原達也編), pp.89-110, 建帛社, 2020
 菅原達也, 真鍋祐樹, 緑藻シフォナキサンチンの新規機能性, ファインケミカル, 49, 28-34, 2020.
 菅原達也, 皮膚を健全に保つための脂質の生理機能, 美容皮膚医学BEAUTY, 3, 20-27, 2020.